home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- failat 21
- if not exists XEN-Icons
- echo "*n Please change current directory to that of MagicWB *n or start the installation from the Workbench!*n"
- quit
- endif
- echo "*n*e[1;32m _____________________________________________________________________"
- echo " *e[43m *e[0m"
- echo " *e[0;32;43m Welcome to MagicWB v1.2p: RAM-Icon SNAPSHOT*e[1m *e[0m"
- echo " *e[1;4;43m *e[0m"
- echo "*n*n This script should be started AFTER the main installation of *e[32mMagicWB*e[0m!"
- echo "*n If you do not like the position of the RAM-Icon on your Workbench you"
- echo " could obviously drag the Icon to your desired position and select the"
- echo " function `Icons/Snapshot' from the Workbench menu. But the next time"
- echo " when you reboot your system you'll find the RAM-Icon NOT at your"
- echo " previous snapshot-position!"
- echo "*n Well, this script provides the solution for all of you who do not"
- echo " exactly know how to preserve the snapshot-position even after a"
- echo " reboot:"
- echo "*E[32m*n Just drag the RAM-Icon to your desired position, then snapshot the"
- echo " Icon with the function `Icons/Snapshot' from the Workbench menu and"
- echo " finally start this script with 'yes' or 'y'.*e[0m"
- echo noline "*n Start the RAM-Icon snapshot? "
- set > nil: InpVar ?
- if $InpVar eq "ja"
- skip Start
- endif
- if $InpVar eq "j"
- skip Start
- endif
- if $InpVar eq "y"
- skip Start
- endif
- if $InpVar eq "yes"
- skip Start
- endif
- echo noline "*n*e[32m Snapshot aborted."
- quit
- lab Start
- if exists SYS:S/RAM.info
- copy > NIL: RAM:Disk.info TO SYS:S/RAM.info
- if warn
- echo "*n*e[32m Snapshot failed!"
- skip end
- endif
- echo "*e[32m*n RAM-Icon snapshot successfully finished!"
- else
- echo "*e[1;1H*e[J"
- echo "*n*n*N I could not find `RAM.info' in your S: directory! You probably"
- echo " did not install *e[32mMagicWB*e[0m with the INSTALLER that was provided"
- echo " with the package. Therefore the `Copy RAM-Icon' line could not"
- echo " be added to the `User-Startup' and the RAM-Icon is not located"
- echo " in the right place!"
- echo "*n Unfortunately you have installed *e[32mMagicWB*e[0m manually thus having"
- echo " wasted more time than would have been necessary if you had"
- echo " wisely used the Installer!"
- echo "*n Paradoxically enough you are using this script at the moment"
- echo " which you really do not need if you have had the ability to"
- echo " install *e[32mMagicWB*e[0m by yourself! Bye..."
- echo "*n*n [Return]"
- set > nil: Return ?
- skip end
- endif
- wait 2
- lab end
- quit